
Kelleren Beq

Page history last edited by CRFR787 1 year ago

Kelleren Beq


Version 1.0 (1/23/24):  Kelleren Beq v1.pdf


Ahmed Best's triumphant return to Star Wars as Kelleren Beq in the Mandalorian was a lot of fun, and I thought he definitely deserved a good deck.  The basic strategy behind this one is a major that relies on, protects, and empowers his allied minor characters - his Padawans, in 1v1, or any teammate's minors in 2v2.  I think this theme does homage to both his appearance in the Mandalorian and his work on the Jedi Temple Challenge show.


I pulled a couple of innovations from Unmatched, and mixed it with some attack recursion, to make an interesting, aggressive deck.  The three A4 JEDI cards (STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE, and BRAVERY in a callback to Jedi Temple Challenge) are the core of the deck - you need to get to at least one of these cards and use it asap so you can recur it from your discard pile with Beq's power defense (SABER STABILITY, another Temple Challenge reference) and counterspell (DARING RESCUE) cards.  Each of the JEDI cards can be used by a Padawan if the Padawan is adjacent to Beq, making positioning very important.  


Beq's other power attack, THE SABERED HAND, brings in the "two attacks on one card" idea from Unmatched, but conditions it on Beq being adjacent to an allied minor character.  Because the second attack, JAR'KAI MASTERY, is so powerful, you'll want to make sure you protect your Padawans for as long as possible, or team up with a deck with a very resilient minor.  The draw power of JAR'KAI MASTERY lets you burn through your deck quickly to find JEDI cards (in the early game) or additional defense for Beq (in the mid to late game).  


The Padawans, while weak, have a few tricks as well.  WILL OF THE COUNCIL can transform their cards into no-action attacks, and Padawans adjacent to Beq can use the JEDI attacks, helping to deplete opponents' defense cards and set up Beq's recursion abilities.  TEMPLE LEARNING, an A2/D2 that can become an A5/D5 if you discard a JEDI card, is also sneakily helpful.  You might wonder why you'd ever discard a JEDI card rather than just play TEMPLE LEARNING as an A2/D2 and then play the A4, but the key is that unlike the JEDI cards, TEMPLE LEARNING does not require a Padawan to be adjacent to Beq--so an opponent who is relying on adjacency to telegraph the Padawans' best attacks may be caught off guard, and in any event must decide whether to waste a high defense card (which will usually be needed against Beq's recursion and THE SABERED HAND) against each Padawan attack.  If you are patient, you can also use TEMPLE LEARNING as a late-game killing blow as an A7 by revealing all three JEDI cards in your hand - a good tactic when an opponent focuses on Beq in the early game.


Beq's main strength, however, is also his weakness: you'll want to protect his Padawans long enough that they can hit hard with TEMPLE LEARNING, but that means that Beq will often be taking the brunt of opponents' attacks, especially in the early game as he mans the front-line to protect the hidden Padawans.  The key to the deck is protecting the Padawans enough with Beq that you can pull off your best effects, but not taking so much damage that you die before you get the recursion game up and running.


Have fun, and as always, let me know on the Discord what you think of this one!



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